Recent El-Nino classification and associated climate response comparisons for the Atlantic-Eurasian region

A.S. Lubkov, E.N. Voskresenskaya, O.V. Marchukova

Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2017-1-94-100

UDC 551.465.635, 551.555.1, 551.465.7


   Comparative study of El Nino classification after different authors results and approaches. The preferences of objective spatio-temporal classification which done earlier by the authors of present paper were shown for climate manifestation study over the Atlanic-Eurasian region. Using of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data on sea level pressure in 1948-2016 the El-Nino types manifestations were estimated in Azor high, Iceland low and Siberian anticyclone. On this basis, appropriate prognostic estimates of typical climate anomalies in the Atlantic-Eurasian region are made. Next, the previous predictions of typical climate anomalies in the Atlantic-Eurasian region associated with El Nino types were done in the paper.

Keywords: El-Nino, classification, spatio-temporal features, atmospheric responses, ocean-atmosphere system.

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