Agroecological regionalization of the Crimean peninsula for grapes cultivation

E.A. Rybalko,  N.V. Baranova

All-Russian  National  Research  Institute  of  Viticulture  and  Wine-Making “Magarach”  of  RAS

RF, Crimea, Yalta


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2018-1-90-94

UDC 634.8.047:581.524.44 (470.75)


   A digital microclimatic map of the spatial distribution of thermal resources of the studied territory that limit the industrial viticulture due to the changed climatic conditions has been created. Soil types of the Crimean peninsula were analyzed as to their appropriateness for viticulture. Soil differences that limit effective grapes cultivation were identified. Based on the maps obtained, a digital complex multifactor mapping model of the spatial distribution of the main agroecological factors limiting industrial viticulture was developed.

Keywords: grapes, frost hazard, heat supply, soil, cartographic model, ecotopes, digital map, microclimatic map.

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