Tourist and recreational information space: essence, structure, mapping

A.N. Beshentsev, D.G. Budaeva, E.D. Sanzheev, A.A. Lubsanov, T.A. Borisova, E.A. Batotsyrenov

Baikal Institute of Nature Management Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, RF, Ulan-Ude, Sakhyanovoy St., 8


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-1-123-129

UDC 338.48:621.39           


   The article shows that the main feature of modern tourist and recreational activity is the informatization of the subjects of this activity and their active interaction through information technology innovations. It is substantiated that, under the prevailing conditions, a tourist and recreational information space (TRIS) is formed and developed, being alienated from the subjective consciousness and functioning in telecommunication systems and via communication channels. The definition and scientific bases of TRIS are formulated, its organizational block diagram is presented, the analysis of the physical essence of its components and the assessment of information flows during the interaction of these components are carried out.

   The specificity of the territorial structure of the TRIS due to geographical ordering of the components and the existing residential and transport and communication infrastructure of the developed land surface is determined. The social structure of TRIS as a set of social groups separated by professional activity, forms of participation in information interaction, activity and value in the production and use of tourist information and recreational resources is determined. When describing the functional structure of TRIS, it is substantiated that the main socio-economic functions of the TRIS are: communication, providing communication between producers and consumers of information resources; operational reference, providing access to resources and services; educational, ensuring the satisfaction of educational needs of society; information management, providing information and coordination of management structures, design organizations, departments, communities.

   The process of information interaction in the field of tourism and recreation is considered. The features of information resources of tourist and recreational subjects are defined, the process of their creation and the specifics of placement are described. The features of regional TRIS are presented on the example of the Central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory. Methodical foundations of information infrastructure mapping are developed, a practical example of a map is presented.

Keywords: subjects of the tourism industry, information resources, information infrastructure, tourist and recreational information space, mapping, Lake Baikal.

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