Seasonal variability of the bioluminescence field off the coastal area of the Caucasus in the period of 2018

A.V. Melnik, Ju.B. Belogurova

The A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Marine Biological Research of RAS, RF, Sevastopol, Nakhimov Av., 2


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-2-100-106

UDC 262.54: 591.148: 574.52


   In the present work  seasonal variability of bioluminescence off the coastal area of the Caucasus was assessed. Bioluminescence, kinetic laws of which are closely related to the kinetics and mechanism of its generating chemical reactions and metabolic processes, is an essential element of the functioning of pelagic communities. For the first time at 16 hydrographic stations in the coastal area of the Caucasus, a survey of bioluminescence fields, temperature values and electrical conductivity was conducted. Studies were carried out in winter and summer periods on a unified grid of stations. The study area belongs to the northeast shelf of the Black Sea.

   The pronounced seasonal variability of the bioluminescence field integral values and its vertical structure at the coastal area of the Caucasus was registered. Minimum values of the bioluminescence field intensity at the coastal area of the Caucasus 8.56 × 10–12 W cm-2 l-1 were recorded in winter period. It was mainly due to water temperature of 10–13°C at the beginning of December. With summer water warming the development of the unicellular plankton intensified and an increase of the bioluminescence intensity was observed. In the summer period, maximum values of the bioluminescence intensity were registered (up to 12582.67 × 10-12 W cm-2 l-1). According to the results of this work, it was concluded that the distribution of the bioluminescence field showed compliance with its amplitude parameters and conjugation with the variability of the hydrological parameters of the medium. During the periods of maximum development of the bioluminescence field, the presence of vertically thin layers of increased luminosity corresponding to the layers of high concentration of organisms was revealed. The number and depth of such layers depended on the structure of water masses and the intensity of vertical water exchange processes.

Keywords:  phytoplankton,  bioluminescence,  vertical  structure.

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