Research and control of water circulation and structures of the thermochaline field in Omega Bay (Crimea) in the summer-autumn period 2019

P.D. Lomakin 1,2, A.I. Chepyzhenko 1

1Federal Research Center «Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS», RF, Sevastopol, Kapitanskaya St., 2

2Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2020-3-15-22

UDC 551.465 


   Based on the data of two expeditions carried out in August and November 2019, the water circulation and the structure of the thermohaline field in Omega Bay are analyzed. A well-known idea on the predominantly wind nature of currents in the Sevastopol bays is confirmed. In August, under the influence of the north wind, a south-west oriented coastal wind current was observed in the Sevastopol seaside adjacent to the bay. Its speed in the upper and middle layers varied from 15 to 40 cm /s and from 10 to 15 cm /sec – at the bottom. The branch of this stream directed to the bay, interacting with the bottom rising located in its central part, contributed to the formation of an anticyclone water circulation cell. A similar dynamic situation in Omega Bay, but under conditions of a weaker and oppositely directed alongshore current, was also observed in November. It is shown that the anticyclone topographic eddy, found in the central part of Omega Bay is quasi stationary and has a topographic nature. In the structure of the thermohaline field, signs have been revealed that confirm the anticyclone nature of the local water circulation in Omega Bay, as well as the typical coastal current system generated by the wind surge, which was recorded in the August survey. In November, under the influence of convective mixing, the thermohaline field in the studied water area was more uniform. It is shown that, in contrast to relatively homogeneous waters of the most part of the bay water area, vertical stratification and frontal horizontal structure of the thermohaline field are characteristic of its kut region.

Keywords: currents, temperature, salinity, wind surge, convection, Omega Bay, Crimea.

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