Algorithms for constructing 3d images of objects in problems of underwater robotics

B.A. Skorohod, P.V. Zhiyakov, A.V. Statsenko, S.I. Fateev

Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2020-4-101-110

UDC 004.9:004.41


   Currently, intensive research is underway to develop remotely controlled and autonomous underwater robots that use technical vision systems. Typical examples of tasks that can be solved using them are: monitoring the environment; detecting objects and obstacles; approaching the robot to the object; performing operations with objects. This article focuses on the problems of constructing images of the workspace of an underwater robot designed to perform operations with objects based on information received from a stereo camera installed on it. A new approach to analyzing the accuracy of constructed 3D coordinates of its workspace is proposed. Its important feature is the ability to evaluate the impact of all sources of disturbances in the aggregate, including the design of a waterproof shell, based only on experimental data obtained in the underwater environment. In addition, the same approach can also be used to estimate the position of camera image centers, allowing for the presence of a waterproof shell to be taken into account for improved accuracy in image processing algorithms. Robust algorithms for constructing 3D images of the robot’s working space based on a perspective camera model and the joint use of triangulation and clustering methods are proposed and tested on real data.

Keywords: underwater robots, stereo vision, perspective camera model, 3D reconstruction of the working space of an underwater robot, clustering.

To quote: Skorohod, B.A., P.V. Zhiyakov, A.V. Statsenko, and S.I. Fateev. “Algorithms for Constructing 3d Images of Objects in Problems of Underwater Robotics.” Monitoring Systems of Environment no. 4 (December 24, 2020): 101–110. doi:10.33075/2220-5861-2020-4-101-110.

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