Features of registration of broadband seismic signals on the ocean floor

Levchenko D. G., Lobkovsky L. I., Egorov I. V., Ilinsky D. A., Roginsky K. A.

Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS, Russian Federation, Moscow, Nakhimov Av., 36

E-mail: levch35@mail.ru

UDC 550.34


   The problems arising in case of registration of broadband seismic signals on a seabed and a way of their decision are considered. Theoretical, methodical, engineering and economic problems of creation of global sea seismological network are analyzed. The questions of difference in distribution of signals of earthquakes and microseisms in oceanic environment (Rayleigh’s wave), feature of distribution of microseisms on border the ocean continent are raised; features of ranges of microseisms and earthquakes, questions of interaction of the case of a seismograph with a soft bottom, the resonant phenomena in case of registration of seismoacoustic noise at the bottom, etc.

Keywords: bottom stations, seismic signals, microseisms, global sea seismological network.

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