D.E. Levashov, N.P. Bulanova
Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography – FSBSI (VNIRO),
Russia, Moscow, V. Krasnoselskaya, 17
E-mail: levashov@vniro.ru, nata@vniro.ru
UDC 574.586:681.7
The analysis of modern optoelectronic devices for studying plankton in situ was carried out. Their classification is given based on the optical schemes and methods of processing for four general variants in their design. Technical characteristics and features of the typical models of each class are considered and the advantages and disadvantages of the devices are shown as well. The most promising models of the devices are presented on the basis of their choice as standard ship equipment for R/V entered into service during the last five years.
Keywords: plankton, particle, counter, sensor, probe, laser, photoreceiver, TRAP, R/V.
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