Investigations of the Azov sea ice conditions and assessment of their impact on fishery parameters in winter 2014-2015 using the earth artificial satellites

R.V. Borovskaya

Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Southern Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography»,

Russian Federation, Kerch, Sverdlov St., 2

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2017-1-101-106

UDC 551.467:639.2 (262.54)


    Based on the artificial monitoring data, ice conditions of the Azov Sea and Kerch Strait were investigated for the winter period of 2014-2015. The obtained results allowed to conclude that the winter of 2014- 2015 can be regarded as a mild winter, which was due to the fact that cyclones prevailed in the atmospheric circulation. The ice period lasted 99 days from November 23, 2014 (the beginning of ice formation) to March 1,2015 (when the sea was completely free of ice). Ice conditions of the studied area did not affect negatively fish migration and feeding processes in the Kerch Strait, they almost did not prevent fisheries of kilka and so-iuy mullet, except for inconsistent short-term ice situations in the Taganrog and Yasen Bays as well as in the shallow water bights in the northern sea areas.

Keywords: Azov Sea, Kerch Strait, artificial satellites, ice conditions, productivity, Clupeonella cultiventris, Liza haematocheila.

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