K.G. Pugin, V.K. Pugina
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Russian Federation, Perm, Komsomol Av., 29
E-mail: 123zzz@rambler.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2017-1-146-150
UDC 543.42.062
The use of waste products in substitution of natural raw materials in the preparation of construction materials and structures may lead to contamination of hazardous chemicals that are included in this waste, environmental objects. Currently, evaluation of such exposure is carried out in the laboratory without considering changes in the external environmental influences during their use and takes a long time. The article discusses the possibility of the use of mathematical modeling to obtain data on the content of heavy metals in aquatic environments on the example of vanadium. As the mode! objects considered cement placed in neutral and acidic aqueous media.
Keywords: emissions of heavy metals, mathematical modeling, environmental protection, building materials, waste production.
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