V.N. Polupanov, S.S. Zhugavlo
Kerch Branch (“YugNIRO”) of Azov Sea Research Fisheries Institute
Russian Federation, Kerch, Sverdlov St., 2
Possibility for modeling of transport and deposition of the inert suspended matter cloud in the shallow waters and coastal areas using two-dimensional model based on cellular automata is investigated. Comparison of the model with an analytical solution of the advective diffusion classical equation showed its adequacy. An example of simulation in the shallow water area is provided. Implementation is carried out in the form of a web-based program designed for rapid calculation of pollution parameters with suspended matter emissions while conducting hvdrotechnical operations in order to assess negative effects on water organisms.
Keywords: advective diffusion, cloud suspension, sedimentation, shallow waters, drift currents, cellular automata, two-dimensional model, Web programming.
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