Features of beaches formation of Southern coast of Crimea

S.I. Kazakov, A.S. Bohuslavsky, E.M. Letneshko, I.G. Berzova

FSBSI Black Sea Hydrophysical Proving Ground of RAS, 298688, urban settlement Katsivcli, Rep. Crimea.

E-mail: science@bshpg-ras.ru

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2017-2-5-10

UDC 504.064.3+504.062.2]:551.417(477.75)


   The key processes and factors of the beaches formation of the Southern coast of Crimea as an important element of the target structure of geoecologica) monitoring of the Crimea coasts are considered.

Keywords: beaches, geological environment, erosion, abrasion, stability of shores, sea level, geoecological monitoring.

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