Summer macro-and ichthyoplankton of Crimea coastal areas in 2016

S.M. Ignatiev, V.V. Melnikov1, T.N. Klimova, L.A. Melnik1, V,V. Gubanov, M.A. Biryukova1

Institute of Marine Biological Research, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Nachimov Av.,


2 Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2017-2-93-100


УДК 574.583(262.5)


   For the first time in recent years, detailed information has been obtained on the distribution of macro- and ichthyoplankton in the summer period along the entire coast of the Crimea. It has been shown that the maximum number of jellyfish reached 15 ind-m’3 (average value is 1,2 indm’3). Pleurobrachia (59,1%) and Aurelia (39,3%), were dominating species. Abundance of Mnemiopsis was only 1.6%. The Aurelia is absolutely dominant (99,6%) species in the biomass of jellyfish. Ctectenophora Beroe in the samples was absent. Eggs and larvae of 29 fish species from 18 families were noted in the Black Sea. The maximum number of eggs and larvae of fish was observed in the area of the Kerch Strait, where it reached respec¬tively 340 and 90 ind m *. In the Sea of Azov, in ichthyoplankton was noted only anchovy Engraulis en- crasicolus. its eggs varied from 150 to 500 indm’2, and larvae – from 12 to 30 ind m 2.

Keywords: Jellyfish, ichthyoplankton, monitoring, Black Sea, ecology.

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