Quality monitoring of zonal soils: gray soils from north of Moldova

Tamara Leah

Institute of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Soil Protection “Nicolae Dimo” Moldova.

Chisinau-2070, Ialoveni Str., 100

E-mail: tamaraleah09@gmail.com

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2017-2-118-123

UDC 631.42


   The research results of monitoring for arable and fallow gray soils of northern Moldova were presented. Their use as arable land led to moderate degradation of physico-chemical properties, manifested by de- humification, destructuration, compaction and loss of nutrients. Further exploitation of arable gray soils in agriculture, in conditions of fertilizer deficit and without protection measures will lead to worsening of their quality.

Keywords: arable, degradation, fellow, gray soil, monitoring, physico-chemical properties.

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