A.V. Skatkov, D.Y. Voronin, I.A. Skatkov
Sevastopol State University, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
E-mail: kvt.sevntu@gmail.com
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2017-3-50-58
UDC 519.8
This article is a logical continuation of the work on the development of an integrated approach to the modeling of degradation faults of primary measurers in monitoring systems. The application of the previously proposed analytical relationships has a number of limitations that has been overcomed with the use of simulation modeling. For this purpose it has been proposed to develop a software simulation decision-support system adopted for degradation faults consequences detection for the network of initial measurers of monitoring systems. Structural and functional features of the developed software have been considered, probabilistic modeling results have been presented to assess the influence of degradation intensity parameters on system monitoring characteristics.
Keywords: simulation, initial measurers’ network, simulation stand, degradation fault, computational experiment.
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