A.N. Beshentsev, A.A. Lubsanov, D.G. Budaeva, E.A. Batotsyrenov
Baikal Institute of Nature Management Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of sciences Russian Federation, Ulan-Ude, Sakhyanovoy St., 8
E-mail: abesh@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2017-4-31-37
UDC 528.92:004.9
Presents a practical example of the creation of a GIS for monitoring the delta areas of lake Baikal. The importance of basic spatial data for estimating the dynamics of delta geosystems is substantiated. The spatial levels of registration of delta geosystems, characterized by the area of the territory and the scale of the created geoinformation resources, are established. The experience of creating geoinformation resources on the basis of cartographic and satellite materials for assessing economic development and the physical and geographical dynamics of coastal landscapes is described, types of resources and their characteristics are defined. The experience of organization of telecommunication access to GIS and creation of cartographic service for interdisciplinary studies of delta geosystems is described.
Keywords: deltaic geosystems, spatial data, geoinformation cartography, cartographic service.
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