Response of the Eurasian surface temperature, pressure and precipitation on the Indo-ocean dipole

A.B. Polonsky

Institute of  Natural and Technical Systems, Russian Federation,  Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2018-1-83-89

UDC 551.465


   Using the results of specialized numerical simulations and re-analysis output the anomalies of the surface fields induced by Indo-ocean dipole are described. It is shown that the negative phase of dipole induces the negative anomaly of the summer temperature over the Europe, Western Mediterranean, Southern Caspian region and Eastern Baykal. Black Sea region, Eastern Europe and Far North are characterized by positive temperature anomalies. At the same time the positive pressure anomalies prevail over the majority of the Central Eurasia. Precipitations are significantly enhanced over the Central and Eastern Europe. Positive phase of dipole is characterized by the opposite anomalies.

Keywords: Teleconnection, Eurasian anomalies induced by the Indo-ocean dipole, simulation using global atmospheric model.

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