V.A. Gaisky, P.V. Gaisky
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E–mail: gaysky@inbox.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2018-2-21-29
UDC 536.5.08
The method of reducing the sampling error in cyclic environmental control systems, in which instead of one counting in the cycle take m samples with known delays is considered. At restoration of a continuous signal, the frequency spectra with an aliasing m of sequences of single signals are calculated, they solve the system of mN equations for finding the frequency spectrum of mN frequencies without aliasing, determine mN of counting of the input signal by the return transformation of Fourier. The batch sampling method can be used for increase in equivalent frequency of sampling at group analog-digital transformation, multiple ocean sounding at a point and at polygon stations, when scanning space with a circular observing locator, at remote sensing of the Earth’s surface from the artificial satellite with point sensors and sea sounding with «comb» sensors or distributed thermoprofilemeter.
Keywords: continuous signal, sampling, aliasing, Fourier’s transformation, aliasing error.
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