V.D. Geller1, V.A. Urdenko2, A.N. Grekov1, N.A. Grekov1
1 Institute of Natural end Technical Systems, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
2 Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Kapitanskaya St., 2
E–mail: 1oceanmhi@ya.ru; 2aquarius42@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2018-3-147-154
UDK 626.88:639.42
Excessive anthropogenic impact and irrational fishing, especially manifested in the second half of the 20th century, led to a significant decrease in biological resources and to a general deterioration of the ecological status of the waters of the shelf zone of the Black Sea. There was a need to take serious measures to improve the environment. Experience has shown that the development of industrial mariculture is a promising direction for increasing the efficiency of the use of biological resources in a reservoir, which is associated with the melioration of its waters. Cultivation of mussels is one of the leading directions of mariculture. Successful functioning of the mariculture of mollusks is possible in the presence of artificial substrates, on which the objects of cultivation are located. In work technologies of creation of hydrobiotechnical constructions (HBTC) for cultivation of mollusks in the sea are considered. GBTS structures consist of the following main elements: a flexible or other part of the collectors – a substrate; buoyancy (float) supporting HBTC in the aquatic environment in the right position; the system of anchors and cargoes, which keeps HBTC in the given position at the right place. Based on the analysis and numerous tests, the optimal design of the HBTC, as well as the technology of their operation, is proposed. The calculation of the forces acting on the components of the HBTC rig in full-scale conditions under storm conditions was performed, and the results of a complex of laboratory and full-scale tests on the reliability of rigging components were presented. As a result of the analysis and numerous tests of various designs of HBTC and their operation technologies, structures like N7-IKM-128 (10%) and MI (90%) were selected for setting in the open sea. The calculation of the forces acting on the components of the HBTC rig showed the stability of the proposed structures to the effect of destructive factors, even under extreme conditions. And laboratory and full-scale tests confirmed that the majority of structures (98.7%) sustained long storm loads.
Keywords: hydrobiotechnical constructions, rigging, reliability, testing.
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