A.S. Lubkov, E.N. Voskresenskaya, O.V. Marchukova, V.Y. Zhuravsky
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E–mail: andrey–ls2015@yandex.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2018-4-94-101
UDC 551.465.635, 551.555.1, 551.465.7
The article focuses on studying manifestations of two El Niño types (eastern and central) in the meteorological anomalies in the Black Sea region. Using data sets on the sea level pressure and air temperature from the 20th Century Reanalysis V2c with the space resolution 2° × 2°during the period 1870 – 2018 the monthly composite anomalies of the studied parameters associated to each El-Nino type are estimated. The features of statistically significant manifestations of eastern and central El-Niño events are described.
It is shown that eastern El-Niño is characterized by positive air temperature anomalies in February, July and October reaching 2 °С which is higher than monthly norm. These temperature conditions are accompanied by associated negative sea level pressure anomalies having the minimum value of about 3 mb in February. At the same time central El-Niño type is manifested as monthly anomalous air temperature decrease up to –2 ° С over the most of the Black sea region in December and positive temperature anomalies up to 2° С in the central part in February. Simultaneously the negative air temperature anomalies up to –1, 5°С are typical for April and up to –2°С for October. This is accompanied by associated conditions in the sea level pressure field.
Keywords: El-Niño, El-Niño – South Oscillation, ENSO, types of El-Niño, the Black Sea region, climate manifestations.
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