G.A. Sigora, Т.V. Lyashko, L.A. Nichkova, T.Yu. Khomenko
Sevastopol State University, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, ul. University, 33
E-mail: sigora1@yandex.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2018-4-150-156
UDC 504.4.054:628.19
The article presents data on the dynamics of the concentration of nitrate ions in the groundwater since 2013. Sampling was carried out from sources of decentralized water supply in the Crimean region. In the course of the study, one-off samples were taken from 45 sources. It was found that the concentration of nitrate ions in the groundwater of the city of Sevastopol varies depending on the location of the spring and over time.
The purpose of this study is to examine the dynamics of variation in the concentrations of nitrate ions in the most polluted springs in the city of Sevastopol.
For detailed study of the dynamics of the change in the concentration of nitrate ions in the groundwater, monitoring of the nitrate concentration in two springs was performed, where a stable excess of maximum permissible concentration of nitrate ions was observed. Statistical processing of experimental data of analysis of water samples from the sources was carried out. A stable tendency to an increase in the concentrations of nitrate ions in both the spring in the area of Maximova dacha and Sarandinakovskoye spring was revealed. And in May 2015, the concentration of nitrate ions in the spring at Maximova dacha exceeded 9 times the maximum permissible one. The general tendency to increase the concentration of nitrates in the groundwater in the city can be due to many reasons, the main one of which is an increase in the population of Sevastopol due to increased number of tourists visiting the city during holiday season.
The seasonal dynamics of the concentrations in the springs studied was as follows: the growth of the nitrate ion concentration occurs in spring and summer periods. This confirms the assumption that the increase in nitrates in the groundwater is related to the number of people permanently or temporarily residing in the catchment area of springs.
As the results of the research show, the main causes of the pollution of the groundwater of the city of Sevastopol are municipal, primarily unauthorized landfills and improperly equipped sewage.
Keywords: pollution, concentration, dynamics, nitrate ions, spring, monitoring, measures.
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