P.V. Gaisky
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E–mail: gaysky@inbox.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-1-5-13
UDC 628.1
On the basis of international and domestic experience of using mollusks as biosensors, the results of own engineering developments and field tests of automated systems and measuring instruments for biomonitoring of sea and freshwaters are analyzed. Options of technical implementation of these systems for operating control of toxic pollution in the water intake systems, the coastal seawater area, points of environmental monitoring and on the farms of mariculture cultivation are proposed. The expediency of using the systems of biomonitoring from the point of view of operating requirements of the health regulations of the Russian Federation for the centralized water supply and public water sources is estimated. Domestic developments in the field of technical and methodical aspects of implementation of biomonitoring systems on the basis of mollusks have their history and can well compete with the western analogues. However, the lack of due financing and government programs on their implementation can lead over time to lag behind prototypes, with the Chinese ones including. Despite impossibility of certification of biosensors as the measuring instruments controlling the maximum permissible concentration level, application of bioelectronic systems as inexpensive universal indicators seems indisputable and is implemented in the developed countries where the struggle for ecology is carried out in all effective directions.
Keywords: bioelectronic complex, mollusk, mussel, environmental control, water resources, toxic pollution, biosensor, water supply, coastal water area.
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