P.D. Lomakin1,2, A.A. Chepyzhenko1
1 Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Kapitanskaya St., 2
E–mail: p_lomakin@mail.ru, ecodevice@yandex.ru
2 Institute of Natural end Technical Systems, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E–mail: p_lomakin@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-1-48-54
UDC 504+551.465
On the basis of data obtained during complex expedition carried out by the Institute of Marine Biological Research (Sevastopol) in September 2018, the structure of temperature fields, salinity, the content of the total suspended matter (TSM),the content of dissolved organic matter (DOM), and the concentration of dissolved petroleum in the Kazachya Bay (Crimea) have been analyzed. The pollution sources in the investigated area and the pathways of contaminants distribution have been identified. The degree of the Kazachya Bay water pollution by dissolved organic matter of artificial origin and petroleum products has been evaluated.
The water circulation in the Bay and the field structure of the studied elements are shown to be effected by the Northern quarter wind.
Under the influence of the Northern wind the water from the adjacent area of the Black Sea entered the Kazachya Bay. Vertical thermohaline structure in the open side of the Bay was double-layer and typical for the Black Sea water stratification in the warm season of the year. Thermohaline field in the shore area was characterised by homogeneity. Between the Black Sea waters and the shallow water sites in temperature and salinity fields distinctly pronounced frontal sections were observed.
Three sources of water pollution have been identified. One is the oil terminal positioned just outside the Bay and located on the Manganary Cape, and two other sources are housing micro-districts Kazachka and Dolphinarium located on the shores of the Kazachya Bay.
Two sites with anthropogenic content of dissolved organic matter, with its concentration being 1.3-1.6 times higher than the natural norm of this element were found, those were the coastal area near micro-district Kazachka and the area adjacent to Dolphinarium.
Petroleum products entered the Bay with wind circulation system in the form of separate lenses with high concentration of the total suspended matter. Their concentration was 1.5-2.2 times higher than petroleum products concentrations typical for the open water area of the Black Sea. In the shallow areas of the Kazachya Bay there were no signs of the oil pollution.
Keywords: temperature, salinity, pollution, TSM, DOM, dissolved petroleum, Kazachya Bay, Crimea.
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