Dynamics of structural characteristics of Cystoseira crinita populations in the coastal recreational zone of the Black Sea

S.A. Kovardakov

The A.O.Kovalevsky Institute of Marine Biological Research of RAS, RF, Sevastopol, Nakhimov Av., 2

E-mail: skovardakov@mail.ru

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-1-88-96

UDC 582.272(262.5)      


   The purpose of the research was to identify interannual and spatial dynamics of structural characteristics of C. crinita cenopopulation in the coastal waters of Pobeda Park in the city of Sevastopol in the course of its development in two areas with different anthropogenic loads.

   In the samples of seaweeds, epiphytic algae were removed from thalluses of C.crinita and then  they were disassembled into age groups and weighed. The distribution of population density, biomass, and age structure along the vertical profile was calculated. The chemical load on the water area was estimated by nitrogen content in the apical branches of C. crinita   aged five months with using CHN analyzer.

   The study showed that recreational loads on the coastal water area of Victory Park kept increasing every year. In the area of the city beach, the population density and its biomass were lower than in cleaner area of the open coast. With depth increasing up to 4 m on the open coast, the density of cenopopulation of C. crinita naturally decreased 1.3–1.5 times, while in the water area of ​​the city beach it increased 1.5–2.6 times. The most tangible changes in the population parameters of C. crinita were observed in 2004. Despite these changes, by 2015, the Cystoseira population had significantly recovered, approaching the state of 1985.

   It was noted that even in conditions of the city beach, where the recreational load is significantly higher than in the open coastal water area, a normal type of population age structure typical for  stable settlements was recorded, while the level of the studied characteristics was significantly lower than in cleaner places. This fact can be used for development of  rapid assessment of the population state during environmental impact assessment.

Keywords: Cystoseira crinita, cenopopulation, density, biomass, age structure, recreational water area.

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