T.N. Klimova1, V.V. Melnikov2, A.N. Serebrennikov2, P.S.Podrezova2, M.S. Ryzhilov1
1 The A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Marine Biological Research of RAS, RF, Sevastopol, Nakhimov Av., 2
Е-mail: tnklim@mail.ru
2 Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
Е-mail: sevlin@rambler.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-1-97-105
UDC 597.08:551.465(262.5)
The biodiversity and spatial distribution of ichthyoplankton off the Crimean peninsula in July-August 2017 are studied. Eggs and larvae of 31 fish species were identified in the Black Sea. Mean number was 101,1 ind./m2 for eggs and 15,7 ind./m2 for larvae. Average temperature of the Sea surface (23,6оС) was favorable for spawning of thermophilic fish species. Species diversity depended mostly on sampling region.
Sufficiently long (more than a week) cyclonic eddies promoted upwelling of abyssal waters, enriched with biogenous matter, that contributed to increasing of zooplankton abundance and attracting of pelagophilic fish for spawning and nursery. Maximum values of ichthyoplankton abundance were registered in the zones of coastal cyclones gyres. The average number of eggs on the shelf of the Crimean peninsula was 117,9 ind. /m2, and larvae 18,1 ind./m2. Due to the significant number of species and lack of well defined dominance, high indices of species diversity were recorded here, comparable with those in the coastal waters of the sea. The number of species in the ichthyoplankton on the shelf of the Crimean peninsula was comparable to that in July 1989, when the biomass of predatory ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi did not yet reached the maximum values characteristic for the 1990s. The shape of the dominance-diversity curves of ichthyoplankton in July 1989 and 2017 is typical for communities with moderate “predation”.
Keywords: icthyoplankton, fish eggs and larvae, species diversity, spatial distribution, hydrological regime, the Black Sea.
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