B.A. Skorohod, A.V. Statsenko, S.I. Fateev
Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
E-mail: boris.skorohod@mail.ru, lex00x1@mail.ru, fateev-si@ya.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-2-30-36
UDC 004.9:004.41
Distortion of underwater images can reduce both the accuracy and robustness of 3D scene reconstruction and visual odometry algorithms, resulting in a reduction in the number of detected conjugate points on pairs of consecutive images. In this regard, preprocessing of images and procedures for selecting key points on them are important factors in this task. The article investigates the influence of various algorithms of preprocessing and construction of key points on the properties of 3D scene reconstruction and visual odometry algorithms in the conditions of underwater shooting and uncontrolled camera movement.
The obtained results showed that the number of conjugate key points to be determined on the image sequence, and consequently, the accuracy of the 3D model of the underwater scene and the trajectory of the camera can depend fundamentally on both the preprocessing and the detector used. As recommendations for practical application, the authors propose joint detection of key points by different detectors, correction of the trajectory of the camera 3D model of the scene, based on several algorithms of preprocessing, the use for visualization the algorithm of preprocessing homomorphic filter with a map of object distances to the camera.
Keywords: underwater video images, 3D reconstruction of the scene, conjugate and key points.
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