N.A. Andreeva, Е.А. Grebneva
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E-mail: andreeva.54@list.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-2-58-63
UDC 581.526.325.3+556.5:(262.5)
The distribution of most phytoplankton representatives is significantly influenced by various hydrological and hydrochemical environmental factors. Degree of development of phytoplankton communities and their species composition can determine the level of pollution of sea water by various nutrients.
A survey was made of the coastal waters of the Black Sea, with in-creased anthropogenic pollution at 15 stations in winter period. At these stations, temperature, pH, and DOM concentration were registered and the composition of microalgae and phytoplankton cyanobacteria was studied.
The results obtained in the analysis of hydrological, hydrochemical and algological data make it possible to speak about the pronounced discreteness of abiotic environmental factors and the distribution of various phytoplankton representatives at 15 stations studied. The thermohaline structure in the water area was characterized by a pronounced temperature inversion in the cutaway part. The pH on the sea surface everywhere corresponded to its natural rate. A high degree of pollution of the waters of the entire investigated area by dissolved organic matter was noted. Using the methods of laboratory cultivation of samples, it was possible to identify the cyanobacteria component in the phytoplankton. The active development of cyanobacteria was revealed precisely at that point in the water area (station No. 8), where the local maximum of DOM content was observed. The presence in two samples (No. 13 and No. 16) of alkaliphilic cyanobacteria of the genus Rhabdodermain probably indicates a tendency for alkalization of water due to eutrophication. At stations No. 7 and No. 9, favorable conditions were established for the development of diatom algae, and at station No. 18, for unicellular green forms. In the remaining areas, the poor composition of phytoplankton largely corresponded to the data we obtained in the water area for the previous two years.
Keywords: hydrological and hydrochemical factors, phytoplankton, coastal water area, Black Sea.
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