A.S. Lubkov, O.V. Marchukova, E.N. Voskresenskaya
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E-mail: andrey-ls2015@yandex.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-2-73-80
UDC 551.465.635, 551.555.1, 551.465.7
In this work the El-Niño and La Niña manifestations in the fields of the minimum air temperature of the Atlantic-European region are studied using daily data of the reconstructed historical array E-OBS 19.0e from 1950 to 2018. Taking into account the earlier classification by which two types of El Nino Southern Oscillation (East Pacific (EP) and Central Pacific (CP)), maps of minimum temperature anomalies for each type of El Nino and La Nina events are obtained and analyzed for ten-day periods from October of a «0» year to April of a «+1» year.
As a result of the analysis, significant typical responses of El Nino and La Nina in the Atlantic-European region are revealed.
The most pronounced EP El Nino response is observed in February, especially in the second decade, when anomalies of more than +4°C are typical for central and southern parts of Europe (except Spain and Portugal). At the same time, negative anomalies below –3°C are characteristic of the north of Europe.
Negative temperature anomalies are characterized by –5°С in December in the center and in the south of European Russia during EP El Nino. Also, during EP El Nino, negative anomalies of –2…–4 °С are observed in the central and eastern parts of European Russia in January.
The brightest cooling during EP La Nina is observed at the end of February and at the beginning of March. The pronounced negative temperature anomalies are located practically over the entire territory of Europe with a minimum of –6°C in the north, where low temperatures are observed until the first decade of April.
During CP La Nina significant anomalies are not observed. Slight negative temperature anomalies down to –3°С can be observed in November in the central and eastern Europe.
Keywords: El-Niño – South Oscillation, ENSO, El-Nino, La-Nina, the Atlantic-European region, climate manifestations.
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