Bioclimatic assessment of the comfort recreational conditions of Crimea

A.A. Stefanovich, E.N. Voskresenskaya

Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-2-81-87

UDC  913 (4):551.586


   Using daily data of standard observations from five meteorological stations of Crimea in 2005–2017 the analysis of bioclimatic comfort of the main Crimean resorts is made. The spatial-temporal distribution of the monthly and seasonal set of bioclimatic indices is estimated.

   Considering the Crimean resorts in seasonal aspect, it can be noted that the weather conditions in the warm period of the year in all resorts are almost identical and the comfort values ​​of the EET and NEET indices are observed from May to September. For the BAT indicator, comfort values are recorded in spring, as well as in the period from October to December. In terms of oxygen content in the air, long periods with adverse weather conditions during the summer months are characteristic of all resorts. A high probability of the occurrence of stifling weather conditions is noted on the southern coast of Crimea, as well as in Feodosia and Yevpatoria.

   The most unfavorable weather conditions with the maximum values ​​of the clinical weather index are observed in the winter months of the year in almost all resorts. Small differences are noted in more annoying effects of meteorological conditions in the western and eastern parts of the peninsula, in Yevpatoria and Kerch.

   The most favorable periods of bioclimatic conditions for the therapeutic and recreational rest activity and tourism development at the Crimean resorts are shown to be from May to September. It was also noted that the southern coast of Crimea is characterized by longer periods throughout the year with optimal values of the bioclimatic characteristics of weather comfort. These areas should be developed as a year-round climate resorts.

Keywords: Crimea, climatotherapy, bioclimatic indices, recreation, comfort level, tourism development.

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