O.V. Samsonova, G.A. Sigora, V.V. Sevrikov, L.A. Nichkova, I.V. Sevrikov
Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
E-mail: ksushakisya@mail.ru, sigora1@yandex.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-2-117-125
UDC 51-7
The article gives a statistically based analysis of the respiratory system infection rate among population of seaboard and continental regions in the case of Sevastopol and Luhansk region.
The diagrams of respiratory system morbidity variability and its linear trends for a long-term period are presented. The graph of changes in the respiratory system infection rate among population of Crimean towns depending upon their remoteness from the seaside is also provided.
The aim of the research is to analyze the relations and links between respiratory system morbidity among population of the Black Sea seaside areas and continental regions.
The statistical data processing and plotting on its basis proved that the morbidity rate in Sevastopol is 83% and only 72% in Luhansk region. The difference in infection rate between Sevastopol and Luhansk region is 11%. Taking into account that Sevastopol is less industrially affected than Luhansk, it can be concluded that meteorological instability has stronger negative impact than environmental factors.
To prove the prevalence of negative impact of meteorological factors over environmental ones on the respiratory system infection rate among population of seaboard and continental regions the authors of the article suggest the exponential dependency of the number of cases of infection on the remoteness of the seaside, which maintains high values of correlation coefficients (R=0, 6671; R=0, 7210), demonstrating the credibility of statistics approximation and revealed the dependency.
The results of this research confirm the previously postulated hypothesis on the prevalence of negative impact of meteorological factors over environmental ones on the respiratory system infection rate among population of seaboard and continental regions.
Key words: population morbidity, seaboard and continental region, statistics approximation, respiratory system diseases, environmental and meteorological factors.
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