R.Yu. Zakharov1, N.E. Volkova2
1 V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, RF, Simferopol, Kiev St., 181
E-mail: zakharovr@mail.ru
2 Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea”, RF, Simferopol, Kiev St., 150
E-mail: volkova_n@niishk.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-2-126-134
UDC 631.67.03
The purpose of research is to assess the feasibility of using treated sewage of the settlement Sovetsky for irrigation purposes.Increasing scarcity of water resources in the Crimea region has had the most negative impact on agriculture, especially on the sub-industries of irrigated agriculture. Since the Republic of Crimea belongs to the zone of risk farming due to its natural and climatic conditions, irrigation is an obligatory component for further sustainable development of the agricultural sector. One of the guaranteed alternative sources of water under the existing conditions is treated urban wastewater. However, inadequate quality water for irrigation can lead to unfavorable processes (salinization, alkalinization, deterioration of sanitary and epidemiological situation, etc.), up to the disposal of these lands from agricultural use. Thus, in assessing the appropriateness of using treated wastewater in irrigated agriculture, it is necessary to take into account three main factors: the quality of this category of water, the discharge volumes, and the location and soil conditions of possible irrigation areas. Based on the research, the purified effluents of sewage treatment plant of the settlement Sovetsky should be used for irrigation of agricultural crops. Their use will allow irrigating about 30 hectares of agricultural grounds. However, it is necessary to provide additional water treatment (its dilution) and reclamation measures aimed at preventing the development of salinization and solonetization processes should be envisaged.
Keywords: sewage treatment facilities, treated wastewater, irrigation, salinization, alkalinization.
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