V.G. Scherbina
Branch of the Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sochi, Kurortny Av., 99/18
E-mail: v.g.scherbina@bk.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-2-135-141
UDC 574.474:504.73.05/.06
The dynamics of the indicator of the vital status of tree stands during the recreational transformation in 12 dominant tree phytocenoses of the oak formation of the Sochi region is analyzed. The collection of empirical material was carried out in a fresh type of forest growing conditions with mixed complex tree stands, with a distance of 210–300 m from the residential zone, areas with recreational digression from I to IV stage. Tree stand status was estimated for all available trees.
Analysis stands by thickness steps revealed that in the absence or weakly pronounced recreational digression, the trees had a stepwise structure of different ages, which was formed during long-term exposure to a complex of abiotic and biotic factors. With the growth of recreational digression of the territory, and of the fallout of a significant part of the trees of extreme thicknesses, there was a change in the structure of forest stands to a relatively uneven age, with a concentration of trees in the middle thickness steps. By the indicator of the relative vital status at the stages I–IV, plantings in general are assessed as weakened, with a decrease in stability as the recreational transformation of the territory grows. The presence of 34, 7–42, 5% of a healthy stand, grouped in medium thickness levels (16–36 cm), capable of fully fulfilling its environment-forming role, is recorded. It has been determined that throughout the entire analyzed range of recreational digression, the relative vital status is by 46% dependent on the differentiation of trees in diameter and by 16% on the degree of recreational impact.
Keywords: Sochi region, recreation, digression, oakery, vital condition, structure, thickness steps.
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