Stamping device for the research of “compression” properties of underwater soil

V.V. Chernyshev, V.V. Arykantsev, M.G. Matveiychuk, A.V. Bandurko

 Volgograd State Technical University, Russia, Volgograd, Lenin Avenue, 28


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-3-16-22

UDC 627.02


   Walking machines, because of their exclusively high passability, find application when carrying out different underwater technical works. In seabed conditions there are specific features of interaction of the walking mover with soil. In particular, there is “the compression effect” — at a separation of the foot, which is in a contact phase, from soil because of depression arising under the foot, there is compression force interfering the foot separation from soil. With depth increasing the compression force can significantly increase because of the growth of external environment pressure. Significant forces interfering foot separation from soil limit possibilities of the walking way of movement at big depths. There is no information and measuring devices and systems allowing estimating “compression” properties of ground soil so far. In the article construction of a prototype of the stamp device with electromagnetic drive intended for a research of “compression” properties of underwater soil is discussed. Dynamics of an anchor of an electromagnetic stamp is considered. Also the method of stamp tests of determination of compression force is offered. The possibility of decrease in the force of separation of a foot from underwater soil by vibration impact on reference elements of the walking propulsion unit is considered as well. Recommendations about the choice of natural frequencies of the considered vibrating system are made. Some results of experiments on determination of the force of separation of a foot from underwater soil are given.

   Results of the work can be used when developing ground walking robotic systems intended for underwater environmental monitoring, carrying out search and rescue works, when implementing new industrial technologies of seabed resource mining and for other underwater technical works.

Keywords: information and measuring devices and systems, devices for moving along bottom, walking mover, interaction with soil, compression effect, vibration impact.

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