A.V. Melnik, E.Iu. Georgieva, L.A. Melnik
A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS, RF, Sevastopol, Nakhimov Av., 2
Е-mail: melnikalexand@gmail.com
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-3-120-126
UDC 262.54: 591.148: 574.52
The article focuses on the study of the vertical structure and amplitude parameters of bioluminescence in summer of 2018, in the area from Cape Tarhankut to the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea. Bioluminescence, kinetic regularities of which are closely related to the kinetics and mechanism of chemical reactions and metabolic processes generating is an essential element of the functioning of pelagic communities. The study of the spatial distribution of intensity of the bioluminescence field (BF) is widely used to identify the spatial-temporal heterogeneity of the plankton community, which is determined by the vertical stratification of waters and hydrophysical characteristics of the marine environment.
The studies were carried out on a standard monitoring grid of stations, where the biophysical complex “Salpa-M” was probed with synchronous sampling of phytoplankton. In the study period, the layer of high luminosity coincided with the layer of the thermocline and was at a level from 10 to 18 m. Its share in total bioluminescence throughout the 60-m layer was about 75 %. By the nature of the vertical distribution of BF it can be stated that in summer up to 90% of the total biomass of luminous dinoflagellates can be concentrated in the layer of 5-25m. A direct dependence of the intensity of bioluminescence on the sea surface temperature is observed in the layer of accumulation of the main mass of bioluminescent 0-25 m .Based on the results of this work, it was concluded that during the observation period the spatial heterogeneity of BF was determined by the features of mesoscale hydrological processes. In areas of maximum development of BF the presence of vertically thin layers of high luminosity, corresponding to the layers of high concentration of bioluminescent was revealed.
Keywords: phytoplankton, bioluminescence, vertical structure, Black Sea.
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