A.S. Mironov1, A.N. Grekov2, 3, K.A. Kuzmin2
1 Russian State Hydrometeorological University, RF, Saint Petersburg, Maloohtinskiy Pr., 98
E-mail: alexey.s.mironov@gmail.com
2 Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E–mail: oceanmhi@ya.ru
3 Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-4-11-19
UDC 556.043
Measurement of parameters of the upper layer of the ocean under natural conditions is one of the tasks of oceanology, with the progress of a number of areas of ocean research depending on its solution. So, field measurements are used to verify and calibrate data processing algorithms for remote meters, oceanographic models, in various research tasks and in synoptic / climate monitoring of the ocean. A continuous increase in the volume of remote sensing data, an increase in the complexity of their processing algorithms, and improvement of ocean modeling methods form new requirements for the quality and quantity of experimental measurements. In this article, we consider a small-sized drifter equipped with the necessary appropriate measuring channels and software, as an element of the system for measuring the spatio-temporal characteristics of the surface layer of the ocean, namely, the flow vector and the angular spectrum of sea waves. Their structural schemes, a general view, a description of the mechanical part, as well as a scheme for performing experimental work are given. Based on the analysis carried out in the work, a measuring system with synchronous data collection and information transfer from a small drifter using LoRa technology is proposed. A distinctive feature of the developed measuring system is the ability to measure the angular spectra of sea waves. An electrical circuit, an operating algorithm, software and mechanical parts of the buoy were developed, and individual nodes passed preliminary tests.
Keywords: sea surface waves, spatial spectrum of waves, measurement of the characteristics of the sea surface, full-scale measurements in the ocean, drift measurements, sub-satellite measurements, network-centric measurement systems.
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