O.A. Stepanova
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E-mail: solar-ua@ya.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-4-123-127
UDC 578.4(262.5)
According to literature, in the bottom sediments of both marine and fresh water bodies, the researchers determined the number of viruses using epifluorescence microscopy, identified the presence and diversity of viruses using a polymerase chain reaction, searched and isolated algal viruses with using indicator microalgae cultures. However, to isolate algal viruses of both the Black Sea and the Azov Sea, the bottom sediments have never been used before.
The purpose of this work is to search and isolate algal viruses from bottom sediments (soils) taken off the coast of Crimea and the South-West of the Russian Federation.
During 106th research cruise of “Professor Vodyanitsky”, which took place from April 18 2019 to May 13 2019, samples of bottom sediments (soils) were selected using the “Box corer”. Samples were taken from different depths (from 10 m to 2200 m) at stations located along the entire perimeter of the Crimean peninsula, including the Sea of Azov, as well as on the adjacent Black Sea coast of the mainland of the Russian Federation, near the cities of Anapa, Tuapse, Sochi, Gelendzhik. The obtained samples of bottom sediments were studied using author patented methods (65864A UA, N2003065499, 2004; 97293 C2 UA, N a 2010 03881, 2012).
The first studies on the search and isolation of algal viruses of microalgae Tetraselmis viridis (TvV) and Phaeodactylum tricornutum (PtV) from 26 samples of bottom sediments taken off the coast of the Crimean peninsula and the South-West of the Russian Federation made it possible to isolate 20 variants of algal viruses, among which 15 strains PtV and 5 strains TvV. A greater diversity of algal viruses with isolation of both PtV and TvV was observed in the samples of bottom sediments of the Azov Sea and Black Sea coast of the South-West of the Russian Federation. Most of algal viruses were isolated from bottom sediments, the selection of which was carried out from a shallow depth of up to 180 m.
Key words: algal viruses, bottom sediments, Black Sea, Azov Sea, Black Sea coast of the Crimean peninsula and of the South-West of the Russian Federation.
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