L.A. Nichkova, I.N. Lukyanenko, A.S. Yurchenko, V.V. Sevrikov, A.N. Odinzov, A.K. Malycheva
Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
E–mail: nichkova@sevsu.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2020-1-54-62
UDC 456.78
The initial point in the development and design of an ergatic system is its element-the source of a fire that turns into an explosion or fire. The development of the explosion in time is regarded as a self-propagating combustion reaction of gas-vapor-dust-air mixture, accompanied by evolution of considerable heat and pressure surge. At a certain pressure, the reaction becomes difficult to control and an explosion occurs, leading to destructive actions if the strength of the walls of the container (equipment) or room is insufficient in relation to the maximum explosion pressure.
The development and design of ergаtic systems for protection of explosive objects, and first of all, when creating control sensors and flame suppressors, should be based on the time of the full explosion (initial and final), the rate of pressure growth.
Analysis of the dynamics of explosion and fire development shows that the protection systems for explosive and explosive objects should have the least inertia of operation and be activated at the initial stages of fire development. Since ergаtic systems are three-tiered, including: the fire control subsystem, the execution subsystem (fire suppression) and the operator’s person, the dominant principle belongs to the control subsystem, in which the most important element is the sensor. The first parts of the system must be ultra-fast. Achieving this requirement begins with the selection of the sensor as the main element in the control subsystem and in the whole ergаtic system. It must be triggered at the first stages of ignition and be non- inertial and low-inertia.
Keywords: fire, flame, explosive objects, combustible substances, ergatic systems, radiation energy, radiation flow, sensor, sensor sensitivity and insensitivity.
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[IEEE] L. A. Nichkova, I. N. Lukyanenko, A. S. Yurchenko, V. V. Sevrikov, A. N. Odinzov, and A. K. Malycheva, “Explosion and fire dynamics, flame energy perceived by the sensor,” Monitoring systems of environment, no. 1, pp. 54–62, Mar. 2020.
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