I.M. Serikova
A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS, RF, Sevastopol, Nakhimov Av., 2
E-mail: irasimwin@yandex.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2020-1-145-152
UDC 519.254:591.148:574.52:574.583
In this article, an algorithm for processing bioluminescence fields and associated hydrological parameters obtained by multiple vertical soundings of the water column with a hydro-biophysical instrumentation complex Salpa is proposed. Application of the algorithm can result in obtaining the estimates of the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the fine-structured inhomogeneity of the bioluminescence field generated by layers of clusters of luminous plankton. It also can provide an opportunity to study mechanisms of their formation. On the example of measurements in different regions of the World Ocean, the length of thin layers of plankton aggregations is found to reach 4000 m, with their average vertical dimensions being from 3 to 7.5 m. Thus, the ratio of vertical and horizontal dimensions of luminous plankton aggregations, the same as for fine-structured heterogeneity of thermohaline fields, is approximately 10-3. As a result of applying this technique, the influence of internal waves on the structure of the bioluminescence field is shown. Their shear and deforming effect are revealed both in the form of smoothed bioluminescence profiles and in the vertical displacements of fine-structure inhomogeneity synchronous with isothermal vibrations. In view of this, it is proposed to disaggregate such oscillations that temporarily deform the structure of the bioluminescence field when studying its vertical and horizontal inhomogeneity.
As an example of the use of the proposed algorithm, the results obtained at some individual stations in the north-western part of the Black Sea and in the tropical Atlantic, where at least 30 soundings were performed, are presented. Based on the results of the analysis, it has been concluded that the fine structure of the bioluminescence field remains stable throughout the entire series of nighttime soundings. The confinement of the fine structure of the bioluminescence field to the fine-structured inhomogeneity of thermohaline fields is shown.
Keywords: bioluminescence field, thermohaline structure, small-scale heterogeneity of plankton clusters.
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[IEEE] I. M. Serikova, “Algorithm for mathematical processing of bioluminescence profiles for the study of small-scale agregation of plankton,” Monitoring systems of environment, no. 1, pp. 145–152, Mar. 2020.LIST OF REFERENCES
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