Development of methodological support of environmental monitoring of ground waters of the Sevastopol region

G.A.  Sigora, T.Yu. Khomenko, L.A. Nichkova

 Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2020-2-5-12

UDC 504.4.054:628.19


   The article considers the problem of evaluating the quality of groundwater.  A technique for environmental monitoring of spring and ground waters in the Sevastopol region is proposed.  The main stages of the research are: choosing determined components characterizing the quality and degree of groundwater pollution, and ranking of sources according to a number of criteria, which allows identifying the frequency of repeated measurements.  It is found that 49% of the studied sources are “contaminated” and not suitable for drinking and using them for agricultural needs.  According to the results of regular monitoring of both “relatively clean” and “contaminated” groups, a tendency to increasing the level of pollution of springs with nitrates is revealed.

Keywords: environmental monitoring, underground sources, evaluation, quality, Sevastopol region, pollution.

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