P.A. Ponomarenko1, I.G. Tananaev2, S.D. Strekalov3, M.A. Frolova1
1Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Sevastopol State University», RF, Crimea, Sevastopol
E–mail: frolova-85@mail.ru
2Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Far Eastern Federal University», RF, Vladivostok
E–mail: geokhi@mail.ru
3Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
«Volgograd State Technical University», RF, Volgograd, Lenin Av., 28
E-mail: strekalov_sergey@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2020-2-44-53
UDC 551.58
This paper presents an estimate of the activity value of accumulated radioactive gases and aerosols in the experimental channels of the research nuclear facility operating at its power on the example of using RR-100 research nuclear reactor. Specific activity of air in a working room at opening of channels is also estimated.
The main difference of the described situation analysis is the theoretical analysis of nuclide composition of air: the article describes in detail the nuclear and chemical transformations on the nuclei of air medium atoms with the assessment of the possibility of neutron reactions. By means of selection of the most probable occurring interactions of neutrons with nuclei – processes giving the greatest contribution on induced activity of air medium in the channel are identified. The proposed mathematical models of nuclear and chemical reactions of the elements under the influence of thermal neutrons take into account both the time of irradiation and the exposure time – the time for which a decrease in activity due to decay is observed. Thus, mathematical models give a qualitative estimate of the process and being a ready material can be used for data calculation of the systems of similar research facilities. Based on the results of calculations and evaluation of the obtained values it is possible to say that at opening of channels radiation situation will not worsen.
Comparison of the calculated values with the experimental data of measurements of the specific activity of argon-41 with the radiometer of RV-4 gases shows the difference in the results only ~ 8 %, which allows using the proposed calculation algorithm.
The presented calculation assumes the possibility of estimating the specified parameters using any research facility with known initial data.
Keywords: generation, radionuclide, ecology, research reactor, control, experimental channel, measurements.
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