Practical aspects of implementation of electrode sensor for liquid electric conductivity

P.V. Gaisky

Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2020-2-72-81

UDC 681.2           


   The development and application of sensors for electrical conductivity of liquid has been carried out for quite a long time. There are more than a hundred inventions in this field. The most common used in practice are two types of sensors – inductive and conductive. Among the latter, two, three, four, five, and seven-electrode ones are known. Their implementation has a number of individual features that are described and studied by various authors. The main goal remains to create the most high-quality (in terms of accuracy and stability) and mass-usable mass-reproducible sample (in size and measurement range, with or without automatic flushing). A number of leading manufacturers of precision measuring equipment for marine applications have recently been actively implementing three-electrode sensors. However, available literature does not describe the methods of practical implementation of these methods in commercial products (sensors, probes, etc.). Since the proposed work describes only the author’s experiments, and in recent years the coverage of the results of domestic technical research is widely welcomed, especially in international publications, the publication of own results in this area will be acceptable and obviously useful in cases where there are technical and financial opportunities for their implementation and use for further development of own measuring tools. The paper describes sequentially the ways of implementing an electrode sensor of electrical conductivity for liquid media using the available configuration. Based on experimental experience, we briefly propose methodological ways to create a measuring channel and a sensor.

Keywords: conductive sensor, electrical conductivity, STD probe, salinity, electrical conductivity of water.

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