Reliability and accuracy of systems of the natural environment control. Part 1

V.A. Gaisky

 Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2020-2-144-150

UDC 519.95+544.623


   The interconnection of accuracy and reliability of environmental control systems is established.

   When calculating typical indicators of the probability of operation for a given error of systems with an arbitrary structure of heterogeneous elements, including redundant ones with redundancy, the author proposes a method proposed earlier by the author, but not published, for transitioning from the logical function of the system’s operability given in an arbitrary disjunctive normal form to formula for the probability of joint events by replacing variables with probabilities and logical operations with arithmetic ones.

   Potential structures of self-healing electronic elements with automatic cold redundancy are also described, containing fuses for current (there is a direct analog) and voltage (there is no direct analog, but possible) of a single action, and electronic elements (resistors, capacitors, inductances, semiconductor diodes, transistors) failures of a limiting nature: short circuit or open circuit.

   The accuracy is due to the level of instrumental errors of direct measurements and methodological errors of aliasing, depending on the parameters of the spatio-temporal lattice. Insecurity leads to a gradual increase in an instrumental error, a catastrophic failure of the measuring channels or a combination of tools (technical, software, organizational) that ensure the receipt and use of information from the node of the spatio-temporal lattice. This usually increases all errors,so to increase reliability, targeted redundancy is introduced into all means and actions. Naturally, all the numerous methods and technologies created to analyze and improve the reliability of various systems are also applicable in environmental monitoring systems.

Keywords: reliability, accuracy, fault diagnosis, spatio-temporal measurement lattice.

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