V.P. Rudnev
Branch of Institute of Natural and Technical Systems in Sochi, Kurortny Av., 99/18
E-mail: stc-sochi@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2020-3-56-64
UDC 620.193.21
To increase the reliability and durability of structures and equipment, various protection methods are used, the most common of which is the application of protective and decorative polymer coatings. The surface layers of the coatings are most sensitive to external factors. The processes occurring in these layers are one of the main reasons for the change in decorative properties, including color indicators. At the same time, high weather resistance of the outer layer provides enhanced protective properties of the entire paint system.
The paper studies the persistence of color indicators of various polymer coatings in a subtropical climate, characterized by high aggressiveness of the factors. Using instrumental methods for field exposure of samples in an open atmospheric area for 2.5 years, the colorimetric indicators in the CIELAB system and their color difference between the initial state and after aging were determined.
The test samples were exhibited on the coastal test site on the Black Sea coast in the Imereti Lowland at Cape Imeretinsky (43o23′ N, 39o59′ E) 40 meters from the water edge. The tests were carried out on open atmospheric stands at an angle of 45o to the horizon with the control of the environmental parameters during the exposure of the samples.
High color stability was shown by the coatings of the fluoroplastic group – enamel Viniftor and VE-46, while the worst performance was shown by perchlorovinyl enamel XV-518.
The results of such studies under natural conditions are most valuable for a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of the protective and decorative properties of coatings.
Keywords: full-scale climatic tests, polymer coatings, aging, colorimetric indicators, color difference, destruction.
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