P.V. Gaisky
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E–mail: gaysky@inbox.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2020-3-96-105
UDC 681.2
The paper evaluates the possibilities of connecting and using publicly available Arduino GPS Gy-GPSV3 modules based on the Ublox NEO-M8N chip and GPS/GLONAS ATGM336H with the NMEA 0183 Protocol. Both modules are equipped with active antennas, are configured for GPS (USA), GLONASS (Russia) and Beidou (China) satellites and are close in terms of their declared technical characteristics. They perform their functions of tracking coordinates and calculating the primary parameters of the carrier’s movement quite satisfactorily, both in conditions of a favorable landscape, and in conditions of mountainous terrain and urban development.
Relatively low power consumption (25-30 mA) and dimensions, easy connection allow them to be used in Autonomous monitoring systems. However, a stable accuracy of more than 10 m is achieved only if there is simultaneous communication with 10 satellites or more, and signal reception inside premises and other shielded objects is not provided. A real cold start lasts more than a minute. Setting the operating modes of the modules provides mainly only filtering of measurement errors in a given range of heights and speeds. Of these modules, GPS/GLONAS ATGM336H is in clear priority, since it is significantly ahead in accuracy, availability of command control, and cost (at the moment it is 3 times cheaper) at standard settings when using the same type of antenna, power supply, and dimensions. No significant impact of visible environment phenomena on the operation of GPS receivers used (communication with satellites) was recorded. At the same time, closely located or relatively powerful household radio frequency transmitters affect accuracy, reducing it by 2-3 times. Signal communication can be improved by using or adding a more powerful overall antenna, which in certain conditions will also allow you to capture satellites that are closer to the horizon.
As a result, with such characteristics and capabilities, the considered GPS modules can be successfully used only for navigation purposes and for receiving accurate time signals (synchronization of measurements). Using them for the purpose of measuring physical quantities (for example, parameters of surface waves, level, flow velocity, etc.) with modern requirements for accuracy makes sense only for large-scale processes.
Keywords: satellite navigation, GPS, GLONASS, snap to coordinates, Arduino.
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