V.V. Trusevich, V.Yu. Zhuravskiy, E.V. Vyshkvarkova, K.A. Kuzmin, V.Zh. Mishurov
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E-mail: trusev@list.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2020-4-50-57
UDC 504.064.3:574:681.5
Creating highly efficient automated systems for environmental monitoring of waters is becoming an increasingly urgent need due to rapid expansion of oil hydrocarbon production zones on the sea shelves, accompanied by both chronic and accidental massive releases of highly toxic substances into the ecosystems of these zones. As such a system, for the first time in the Russian Federation, we have proposed a complex of automated biosensor monitoring and early warning, in real time, based on the behavioral responses of bivalve mollusks. Our complex is an analogue of the Musselmonitor monitoring system, aimed at being used in natural conditions of water bodies. To assess the efficiency of the complex functioning in laboratory conditions, the sensitivity of the Black Sea mussel to the impact of one of daily (for 2 hours) sequentially increasing concentrations of aqueous extracts of drill cuttings (25, 50 and 500 mg/L) and diesel fuel (0.01 and 0.021 mg/l.)was studied, which to some extent simulates a normally existing situation in the areas of hydrocarbon exploration and production. It has been established that the proposed complex makes it possible to confidently detect, even in the first minutes, the appearance of toxicants in the aquatic environment in concentrations characteristic of low-toxic zones in the regions of oil and gas production and drilling operations. It is shown that repeated exposure of mollusks to extracts of drill cuttings and diesel fuel, even at low concentrations for several days, caused a general decrease in the amplitude of valve opening and disruption of the diurnal rhythm of mollusks, which is probably the “effect of accumulation of exposure”.
Keywords: Black Sea mussel, behavioral responses, automated biomonitoring, drill cuttings extracts, diesel fuel.
To quote: Trusevich, V.V., V.Yu. Zhuravskiy, E.V. Vyshkvarkova, K.A. Kuzmin, and V.Zh. Mishurov. “Biomarkers of Behavioral Reactions of Mussels in Automated Biomonitoring Systems Under Conditions of Aquatic Environment Pollution by Drill Cuttings and Oil Hydrocarbons.” Monitoring Systems of Environment no. 4 (December 24, 2020): 50–57. doi:10.33075/2220-5861-2020-4-50-57.
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