V.G. Scherbina
Branch of Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sochi, Kurortny Av., 99/18
E-mail: v.g.scherbina@bk.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2020-4-65-74
UDC 574.474:73./74.05/.06
The paper provides a qualitative and quantitative assessment of springtails communities in the prevailing forest ecosystems of the humid subtropical zone of the Sochi Black Sea region, in the absence of a pronounced anthropogenic impact. The studies were carried out in 6 types of foothill forest ecosystems at 13 stationary sites with a southwestern exposure in the basins of 11 rivers, at a distance from the urbanized territory from 350 to 1200 meters. Springtails complexes were studied in the period 2001-2019, with a time step of 3 years, on permanent and temporary trial plots. Soil samples were taken in the surface layer with 5×5×5 cm metal frame in 5-fold repetition on 3 registration areas corresponding to the zones of the model tree: near the trunk, in the middle and at the border of the crown projection. Collection of springtails was carried out according to standard methods.
For 7 field seasons, the long-term average density of springtails, species diversity, life forms, the degree of dominance and evenness in communities are given. There is a certain similarity in species composition, but significant variation in the relative abundance of specific species, which effects dominant composition and structural evenness, characterizing the stationarity value of conditions in biotopes in long-term dynamics, as well as the boundaries of community stability. The assessment of the evenness of the communities confirmed and supplemented the results on structural variation. According to the value of the ratio of evenness and species diversity, three groups of communities were identified: with the dynamics of a positive relationship, with the dynamics of a negative relationship, and with a linear inverse relationship.
Based on the analysis of the evenness of communities and the relationship with species richness, an assessment of the current state of stability of the analyzed ecosystems and their prospective state are given.
Keywords: forest ecosystems, springtails, diversity, abundance, communities, structure, evenness.
To quote: Scherbina, V.G. “Analysis of the Parameters of Springtail Communities in the Foothill Forest Ecosystems of the Sochi Black Sea Region.” Monitoring Systems of Environment no. 4 (December 24, 2020): 65–74. doi:10.33075/2220-5861-2020-4-65-74.
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