V.A. Gaisky
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E-mail: gaysky@inbox.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2020-4-111-118
UDC 519.95+544.623
The system reliability is taken into account when carrying out hydrophysical experiments by calculating the error in representing the process by a probabilistic space-time lattice of measurements.
The spectral ranges of variability of small-scale, mesoscale, synoptic, seasonal, interannual, intrasecular and intersecular processes are considered. The errors in the representation of the process with an exponent of a power-law spectrum in the typical spectral ranges of variability are calculated with the reliability of the ERWR nodes from 0.2 to 1.0 at sampling intervals two times less than the Nyquist frequency period. It is shown that when using unreliable systems, the experimental errors grow rapidly and become unacceptable for all ranges.
Requirements for the minimum reliability of the HPWR units are determined for the given parameters of the experiment. The possibility of realizing experiments with a probability of 0.95 and 0.99 for non-recoverable systems is estimated. It is shown that a non-redundant non-redundant system can be realized with such reliability only for the first two ranges of variability.
Dependences of the field recovery error depending on the product of the average frequency by failure and the required experiment time T are obtained. It is shown that the error of durable systems is almost independent of reliability. However, such a non-recoverable durable system is only realizable for the first band.
The feasibility of hydrophysical experiments in the presence of threshold values in terms of parameters is estimated. It is shown that the dependences of the experimental errors on the reliability of the system and the sampling interval have extrema only for “rough” systems with a low density of space-time lattice and low reliability. It has been established that for “exact” and “sufficiently” reliable systems, the dependence of accuracy on reliability and sampling intervals is monotonous.
Keywords: reliability, accuracy, typical frequency ranges of variability, spatio-temporal lattice, feasibility of experiments.
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