G.A. Sigora, S.A. Gutnik, E.I. Azarenkо, L.A. Nichkova, T.Yu. Khomenko
Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
E-mail: sigora1@yandex.ru; E-mail: tamara_homenko93@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-1-118-128
UDC 504.064:504.3.054
This article summarizes the obtained results of assessing the effectiveness of monitoring of atmospheric air pollution in the city of Sevastopol by stationary and mobile sources and gives recommendations for its improving.
Analysis of the existing air monitoring network shows that the monitoring system needs to be modernized due to a number of identified inconsistencies: the number of stationary posts in the city of Sevastopol does not meet the requirements of RD 52.04.186-89 and their number should be increased; the location of stationary posts does not allow obtaining an objective picture of air pollution in all areas of the city; the list of specific impurities subject to control requires clarification and justification based on the available data on the actual intake of pollutants into the city atmosphere; the location of checkpoints on highways does not cover all highways in the city.
A list of the largest stationary pollution sources is compiled. Maximum permissible emissions of 243 enterprises are analyzed, including information on 1482 sources of emissions. The main sources of air pollution are revealed and their ranking by gross emissions is performed.
An assessment of the data of field observations of atmospheric air pollution in the city of Sevastopol for compliance with the current standards is carried out and a preliminary list of pollutants is formulated to justify the expediency of their control at stationary and route points of the city.
The article describes some aspects of a large-scale study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the air pollution monitoring in the city of Sevastopol. Other stages of research and proposals for modernizing the monitoring system are planned to be published in a series of subsequent articles.
Keywords: monitoring systems, atmospheric air, pollutants, ranking, gross emissions, Sevprirodnadzor, stationery and route control posts.
To quote: Sigora, G.A., S.A. Gutnik, E.I. Azarenkо, L.A. Nichkova, and T.Yu. Khomenko. “Increasing the Efficiency of the Atmospheric Air Monitoring System in the City of Sevastopol.” Monitoring Systems of Environment no. 1 (March 25, 2021): 118–128. doi:10.33075/2220-5861-2021-1-118-128.
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