Selection of radiation sensor for monitoring systems explosion and fire hazardous objects

A.S. Yurchenko1, I.N. Lukyanenko1,

I.I. Tsaruk1, A.K. Malysheva1, L.A. Nichkova2, L.I. Osadchaya2

1Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervisionin the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol

2Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-2-39-45

UDC 621.43 + 536.24


   This study justifies the selection of a radiation sensor for explosion and fire hazard monitoring systems. Preference is given to radiation sensors that perceive the energy of heated bodies, in this case a flame, and convert it into an electric signal. Since this energy is dissipated in the communication channel from the flame to the sensor and in the sensor itself, an analytical description of these losses and radiation energy in general is given, which is very important for assessing the sensitivity of the sensor.

   The following scheme of investigation of flame radiation energy is proposed. The source of radiation is stationary flame of various combustible substances, radiation energy of which is transmitted to the sensor through a fixed hole in a heat-tight screen in an air medium. The sensor is installed at a different distance from the flame, which makes it possible to detect the loss of radiation energy with distance. The sensor sensitive element is a metal bolometer OPB-4K, which receives infrared radiation flux amplified by a reflective mirror. Conversion of thermal radiation into electrical signal is performed by DC Bridge, to the arm of which the bolometer is connected.  An amplifier is connected to a device setting threshold of sensor actuation. The threshold device, in turn, controls the thyristor switch, which allows turning on the power supply circuit of the actuator. The sensor operation is performed from individual power supply unit.

   The presented material is of great importance for the state service bodies in the field of fire safety and design organizations. It draws attention to the problem of improving automatic local means of explosion and fire protection.

Keywords: fire and explosion hazardous objects, flame, radiation energy, energy dispersion, sensor, threshold of operation of the sensor, sensitivity and insensitivity of the sensor.

To quote: Yurchenko A.S., I.N. Lukyanenko, I.I. Tsaruk, A.K. Malysheva, L.A. Nichkova, L.I. Osadchaya, et al. “Selection of Radiation Sensor for Monitoring Systems Explosion and Fire Hazardous Objects.” Monitoring Systems of Environment no. 2 (June 24, 2021): 39–45. doi:10.33075/2220-5861-2021-2-39-45.

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