Analysis of regional features of water use structure in the North Caucasus. Part 1. Water availability and water consumption

Е.А. Rybak1,2, О.О. Rybak1,2,3

 1Branch of Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, 99/18 Kurortny Avenue, Sochi, RF

2FRC SSC RAS, 2/28 Yana Fabritsiusa Str., Sochi, RF

3Water Problems Institute of RAS, 3 Gubkina Str., Moscow, RF


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-2-96-105

UDC 556.18


   The key task of the societal development is to ensure effective management of water resources. As a consequence of aggravation of water problems in the world, the issues of sustainable and guaranteed access to water are considered as one of the components of ensuring food security, conservation and restoration recovery of natural resources, which are the basis of life support for the population.

   To date, the regulation of water resources in the North Caucasus experiences difficulties resulting from fragmented water use, unequal access to water, and contradictory legislation in the field of water use regulation. These problems are compounded by two factors: climate change and demographic situation.

   The main problem of water consumption in Russia is the irrational and ineffective use of water resources and, as a result, high specific water consumption. In the North Caucasus, water consumption is currently one of the highest in Russia. The characteristics of the impact on water resources are directly related to the use of water, the main elements of which are the water withdrawal from natural sources, the use of water and the discharge of wastewater.

   Based on open statistical sources, we analyzed the current situation in the use of water resources in the North Caucasus. The North Caucasus is characterized by problems similar to those of many regions of the country, in particular, large losses during transportation due to the emergency state of water supply networks and treatment facilities.

   Water supply problems in the North Caucasus are expected to worsen in the future. If urgent measures are not taken, the complex of problems will only accumulate. To overcome their negative consequences, it is necessary to revise the water use strategy and change the water consumption structure.

Keywords: North Caucasus, water resources, water consumption, water disposal, water loss, rational use of water resources.

To quote: Rybak, Е.А., and О.О. Rybak. “Analysis of Regional Features of Water Use Structure in the North Caucasus. Part 1. Water Availability and Water Consumption.” Monitoring Systems of Environment no. 2 (June 24, 2021): 96–105. doi:10.33075/2220-5861-2021-2-96-105.

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